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Wednesday, August 13, 2014. Good Mid-August my friends! I hope this day finds you well! Healing, EFT, cranial sacral therapy, music therapy, reflexology, yoga, tai chi, nutritional counseling, juicers, high speed blenders, organic and healing gardens, medicinal mushrooms, humor, the arts, literature,ayurvedic medicine, homeopathy, etc etc! Let us reintroduce ourselves the forgotten ones in our society. embrace them into a healing atmosphere of love.
Victor Schwartz, MD, Chief Medical Officer.
Information on substance use and mental health disorders, prevention and health topics. Available online and from our statewide library. For Help Finding Opioid Treatment in Connecticut. Tobacco Prevention Training Now Available.
Gateway Homes Opening Doors To Hope And Recovery. A Place To Call Home. Gateway Homes provides a transitional residential treatment program for adults with mental illness who are striving for independence. 4901 Libbie Mill East Blvd.
Gould Farm Friends and Families. Buy an Appreciation for the 2013 Centennial Appreciation Journal.
Our responsive and caring staff can answer your questions. Find Time for Some Coffee. Find Time for Some Coffee. Join us for our annual fundraising event. Friday, June 15, 2018. Our roots are in therapeutic community and the belief that together we are stronger. To talk with our admissions team, please call 440. 1 year ago via Instagram. 4 months ago via Twitter. 4 months ago via Twitter.
La Amistad Foundation, Inc. Our goal is to maintain a community in which these individuals have the opportunity to live with dignity and independence, as they pursue leisure activities, social relationships, and meaningful work. La Amistad Foundation, Inc. Fern Park, FL 32730. Fern Park, FL 32730. 28th Annual Tennis and Silent Auction Event.
Sign up for Austin Art Weekly. Sign up for Art Austin Weekly. Russell Collection Fine Art Gallery. The Contemporary Austin Jones Center. The Contemporary - Laguna Gloria. UMLAUF Sculpture Garden and Museum.
We accept art that comes straight from the soul, beautiful, authentic, unique! We accept art that comes straight from the soul, beautiful, authentic, unique! Founded 7 Years ago. Photography, Digital Art, Traditional Art, Literature.
Art Authority 2012 Created by artauthority. net - A Partnership between Open Door Networks and Project A.
Welcome to the work of Chris Stiles. Chris won Best of Show at the 2008 Normandy Park Show. CLICK HERE TO ENTER WEB SITE.
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